"Our acquired form Tractorco in June 2016 is our go-to tractor. It is used for plowing and harrowing our fields and also for pulling trailers and road maintenance. After 5 years of use, the tractor has not needed any major repairs, only a few minor ones. Aside from rod ends and some seals, only the front rims had to be replaced recently"
"Our has been operating flawlessly for two and a half years. It is used daily to feed 600 head of cattle, up to 14 loads per day. Compared to our previous feeding system using a mixer and feeder wagon, the FMV has improved the daily weight gain by 6% and lowered the feed conversion ratio by 4.5%. Our manpower requirement was reduced by 2 names. The only part needed was a belt for the lateral conveyor, needed to be replaced after two years of use. Tractorco had the part on stock"